Thursday, March 26, 2020

Salemites And Facebook

One of the easiest ways that you can see how people in Salem, Indiana act and react is through Facebook which is popular everywhere but its even more popular with some of the myriad groups of people in Salem, Indiana that post their stupidities on the minute, hour, daily, weekly, etc. Salem is like a skidmark on the underpants of society that needs to be flushed and washed. The interesting thing is that most of the people on these sites are uneducated fools, rubes, hayseeds and various Grade A idiots of the smallest mentalities that exist in Salem, Indiana.

It's as if people in Salem, Indiana haven't really lived much of anywhere else other than their idyllic little trailer trash mentality town where being a moron is valued and people who intelligent and educated are frowned up as liberals or some other political bent. Even if those people are actually conservative in their viewpoints they are still derided by the local neanderthals as being liberal. Because being liberal means in many cases you actually have somewhat of an open mind to the realities of the world, other cultures, other societies, differing viewpoints. In Salem, Indiana these days there is only one viewpoint allowed without criticism and that is to be a mouth breathing Trump supporter or some other mentally ill moron incapable of intelligent and reasoned thinking other than just following orders or what the rest of the trailer park cult in Salem, Indiana thinks how the the world is run.

As if most of them would know because most of these 80 IQ illiterates that can barely read, write and spell judging on their posts on Facebook and other sites are often clueless about the world around them. Clueless about science, clueless about government, clueless about government policies, finance, economics, business development or much of anything else. That explains a lot of why Salem, Indiana is very much chock full of idiots and hillbillies that act just like they did when I lived in Kentucky for many years.

They often clueless to the world around them and the things that really make the world work and people earning a living, improving their standard of living and quality of life along with getting an education which is frowned up on in Salem, Indiana. The local school systems in Washington County, Indiana along with Salem Community Schools, East Washington Schools and West Washington Schools deviate to the lowest common denominator of people. The lowest of the low where education is optional rather than required by the society. That is why Salem, Indiana has been going severely backward for at least two generations and the people there show it in their backwoods mentality, hatred of anything intellectual and intelligent and hatred of those who actually accomplished something educationally. Maybe its always been that way to some extent but the local yokels of Salem now despise anything that actually challenges their limited worldview just as long as they can keep up the appearances of being prosperous.

Being intelligent and reasoned is something severely lacking in Washington County, Indiana and the Salem area due to the fact that it possesses schools which most years rank at the C and D level as determined by the Indiana Department of Education and the people of Salem are in most senses no better than illiterate backwoods hilljacks one would find descending from the hillbillies of Eastern Kentucky, West Virginia or anywhere else in Appalachia.

That's the Salem mentality for you though kind of like that movie Dumb and Dumber.

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