Saturday, February 12, 2022

Doing What's Right For Washington County

 It's interesting that the Washington County Prosecutor talks about doing what's right for Washington County, Indiana and has in his previous statements done so repeatedly. Then why is it that political corruption and police corruption along with election violations pertaining to the Salem, Indiana mayoral election of 2019 get absolutely no attention. 

Now its well known around these parts that Washington County, Indiana has long been a hotbed of political corruption and the good old boy system rubbing each others backsides. Not to mention the various incidents which have happened over the years in Salem, Indiana and environs such as American citizens being denied their constitutional and civil rights by the local authorities. Much like it's sister county to the north Jackson County where in 2021 a black inmate arrested for shoplifting and evasion was arrested by the police and sheriff's department there. Only to be found dead some time later apparently being poisoned in jail while being in jail which should be a place where contraband shouldn't be and prisoners shouldn't be mistreated. 

This state of affairs is well known to have happened in the past in Washington County, Indiana along with citizens being harassed by various members of law enforcement and so called good old boys including one local neanderthal politician telling a community member that she needed to be more careful as in don't expose the good old boy politicians and butt kissers. You know the type being the community do gooders that always talk about doing their public good in the community while drugs and dope and corruption stinks up the entire county. Not to mention hiding things from the public that involves community funds being stolen away and ending up in the pockets of public officials and those related to the public officials. Add in a couple of judges that are more interested in their own version of the law rather than following the Indiana Code and Indiana and United States Constitution. 

I wonder when this said Prosecutor and his staff of hired guns are going to start investigating the misuse of public funds including COVID aid that mysteriously went to a few businesses around Salem. Some of that money mysteriously went into a few people's pockets including someone that didn't even have a business entity nor filed the proper reports and information with the Secretary of State along with the Indiana Department of Revenue and other necessary filing requirements all businesses have to comply with. 

Since we're on doing what is right for Washington County do ask why is it that Washington County is one of the biggest drug dens in all of Southern Indiana and has been for about 30 years? Ask yourself why haven't the powers that be in Salem, Indiana including all of these public officials aren't really interested in fixing the methamphetamine crisis and heroin issues that plague Washington County and Salem, Indiana. Ask yourself why Salem is just as a big of a drug den as it was 20 years ago when it mostly marijuana and LSD that was a big local problem and a few well known citizens were known to be involved in the drug trade. Of course the local city police and Sheriff's Department of that time turned a blind eye to the corruption and the public officials that knew all about it got real mum about the whole thing when anyone questioned them. 

Of course one local businessman in Salem was involved in making sure that someone was bailed out of a Florida jail when they were caught importing drugs and also was able to get out of the pickle without a scratch. Wonder why that was? Because Daddy Warbucks got on a plane and flew down to Florida to make sure this community member didn't get a jail sentence in the big house. 

Let's also ask why people were getting beaten in the County Jail back in the 1970s and 1980s and for all anyone knows it could still be happening behind closed doors. After all look at the rough pictures of those arrested and put in the police mugshots and media when these people are arrested. Most people don't run around with cuts and bruises to their face or black eyes unless they were physically assaulted and I don't think they were running into doorknobs or getting into a fight with their woodstove. 

Let's also ask a question of why local law enforcement and local officials are above the law or think they are because no one at the state level in Indiana or the FBI hasn't been to Washington County, Indiana to check things out because everything is just hunky dory in Washington County, Indiana and Salem, Indiana. 

It reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago when a so called scion of the community was highly upset of someone writing an article criticizing the local community of Salem, Indiana and they also talked about the same sort of corruption that I have mentioned in my posts here. Not to mention they had made mention of the corruption issues with drugs and telling the young people of Washington County that they should consider moving to other places with less corruption and do as little business with Washington County as possible and that includes local businesses and outfits. 

One young lady who posted such a diatribe that she didn't write and she just posted what she read was pilloried and condemned by the local do gooders and the community so called back scratchers and leaders. Including one prominent former Salem businessman well aged into his years who criticized her for writing the piece and then later having to backtrack because he didn't know who wrote the piece. Of course being a lifelong butt kisser and crony in Salem, Indiana was that "Salem is not corrupt" yet there are thousands of people in Washington County that know by personal experience in dealing with the police, legal system and judicial system that they've been screwed in some cases countless times by the good old boy system and those who are in power who behave corruptly. 

Even to the point that a former resident of Salem and Washington County now living in Arizona once remarked "Shame on those locals and public officials that are profiting from the drug trade and turning their eyes the other way while drugs are ruining the community" paraphrased of course because I can't locate the exact quote made in 2020 or thereabout. 

So when are the public officials of Washington County going to actually do the right thing for Washington County and actually do something about the drug problems and corruption problems in Washington County. It's 2022 and they can't hide things like they used to do in Salem, Indiana because we've got our cameras and we've got the internet and we've got the First Amendment to bring these things to light. 

There is one thing that cockroaches and mice and other vermin truly hate and that is the light and especially the light of truth shining on their crookedness and criminality and nefarious deeds. 

Shine on Washington County and you can do so much better than the criminal element that exists in your local authorities and local government. It's too bad that the local citizenry is still asleep or accepting of this corruption because they're often related to someone that is involved knee deep in something they shouldn't be doing. Calling out these vultures and criminals is really doing what is right for Washington County not the prostitutor's office making useless statements protecting their backside. 

The Laughingstock Community of Salem, Indiana and Washington County, Indiana

 Salem, Indiana despite its checkered past with racial problems including a certain unknown percentage of the town and now city being comprised of bigots, racists, Klan members and other sorts of unsavory characters was at least a decent place to live. Despite the stupidity of racist ideas and stupidity of that entire ideology as if the residents of Salem were somehow mentally and genetically superior to that of other races and Salem being in many ways a sundown town at least most people had some basic respect for the rest of society. 

Not any more in most cases

In Salem these days you have landlords, apartment managers and other cretins that allow all kinds of criminals and miscreant trash to roam their premises while tenants and individuals that pay their bills and do the right get thing are harassed for calling out bad behavior. Not to mention the open and outright abuse of drugs such as marijuana, meth, opioids and pills that are regularly used by these individuals. All in the plain sight of anyone and known by many people including the landlords and apartment managers and such. Strangely enough when scumbags are doing drugs in the presence of children (who are young and impressionable) those who complain about the illicit use of these drugs in violation of apartment leases are often told in no less than threatening language they'll be evicted. 

Then again, if one calls the local Salem Indiana police about a pot smoker whose foul odors go through walls and into the next apartment nothing ends up getting done even though the department supposedly has a drug dog to sniff out weed, meth use, and other contraband. Interestingly enough having to battle such people with criminal records out the wazoo seems to be a common problem in Salem, All the while these same LOSERS and drugheads have criminal records going back years even decades. 

However, whenever you bring this up to the local yokels in Salem you'll get the response that its not the person you are thinking of when you find that they have a checkered criminal past. Of course, you know you've got the right person based on name, physical characteristics, age, arrest records, previous addresses and such. All the while the goon apartment manager screams about how their record came back as clean. Obviously they didn't know how to do a proper background check either or their superiors in the business. Add in that many drug abusers have other criminal involvement involving thefts, auto thefts, burglaries, drunk driving one would think a simple search of these individuals in court records would suffice. Not so in hillbilly mentality Salem where the average IQ is about 85 and its been dipping for the past couple of decades. Add in the rotten school systems of Washington County where half of the kids graduate 12th grade without even being at a 12th grade reading or English composition proficiency. Math appears to be even worse when its only about 35 percent which is why Washington County residents and a whole lot of Salemites don't make much money. 

However to listen to the local education officials in the superintendent offices including superintendents, assistant superintendents and other butt kissers one would think that Salem, Indiana and Washington County in general has the best schools in the region. However, a close look at statistics and rankings from 2012 through the pandemic start of 2020 shows that Salem High School, Salem Middle School and Bradie Shrum Elementary all score way below many school districts in other counties of Indiana in similar demographic areas, school size, resources and much more. When an elementary school repeatedly receives a C or D rating from the Indiana Department of Education it doesn't say much about the quality of the school when from 2012/2013 until 2020 the ranking is a C or mostly D ranking by the state. 

Even more laughable is to hear a former principal of Bradie Shrum make the comment that its less about the education of children but how they get along with others. Hmmm, sounds like they're more interested in social promotion rather than producing children that will grow into adults and realize what a totally fucked up place that Salem, Indiana truly is and leave for greener pastures. The best part of this is that I can go back to my high school class of 130-140 and remember that only about 1/4 of the graduates at that time stayed in Salem and the rest moved elsewhere because they knew what a rotten dump that Salem, Indiana truly is and that opportunities, jobs and futures were vastly improved when looking elsewhere. 

It's even more damning when in 2021 that most of these people will be retiring in 10 to 15 years and looking to move somewhere else but they won't be moving back to dumpy little run down Salem especially when its wracked with semi-illiterate young adults and middle aged dropouts by then . Not to mention drugs everywhere which has been the case in Washington County for the last 10 to 15 years but also going back to the 1980s and 1990s when the small town mafia style goons started bringing in dope such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, meth and other trash. The problem is do the people of Washington County really care? Or are they mostly sitting in their little restaurants and houses and hypocritical churches while the community around them turns into a cesspool of meth heads, heroin junkies and 80 IQ pot smokers with criminal records so long that they couldn't get a stable decent job anywhere much less amount to anything else. 

This isn't quite the Salem, Indiana that I remember and its been repeated countless thousands of times across the country over the last 30 years of dope being dumped everywhere which has made for a nation full of dopes who are incapable of logic, reason, sound education and being a decent person or upstanding citizens. There have always been lowlifes, scofflaws and criminals but the current state of affairs in Washington County, Indiana is ridiculous. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Small Town Parasite Behavior

 Salem, Indiana at one time was a community where people proudly worked for a living, held jobs and started businesses that helped the community and provided goods and services needed for everyday life. However, a more insidious problem has been increasing in number and percentage of the population. That is due to the problem of welfare dependency and government programs that allow a certain percentage of the non-disabled population aged 18 to 65 to become government dependents and welfare cheats. That can be said of some of the housing issues around Salem, Indiana as well as in Washington County where people that once worked their fingers and bodies for a living that now have become dormant people. 

These are people who at 20...30...40...50 years of age are government welfare cheats and losers that refuse to work for a living and better themselves. Therefore, much of Salem consists of these parasites as well the massive drug problem that exists in Salem, Indiana and Washington County, Indiana at large. A drug problem that has been allowed to fester for decades while the local authorities in the legal eagle category as well as other law enforcement turn their heads and spend time making sure to have as many repeat dope offenders including meth junkies, heroin junkies and other drug abusers in the system. 

These people and a certain percentage of their fellow travelers and associates do their best to run down Salem, Indiana and turn it into a small town drug den that is well known across other counties in Southern Indiana as being wracked with drug problems including authorities in counties as far flung as Scott County, Harrison County, Orange County and Lawrence County, Indiana for its own drug issues. 

The Salem mentality over the years has been for the local prosecutor and judges to turn a blind eye at the drug problem in Salem, Indiana which causes a great deal of other criminal behavior including assaults, domestic violence, theft and countless other criminal acts. 

It also should be mentioned that sizable percentage of these people are also on public assistance programs such as housing and rural development programs through USDA Rural Development and HUD programs while using drugs in apartments and other residences in Salem and Washington County. Yet the lenders and lendees that oversee these apartment developments often turn a blind eye to drug abuse on their premises and properties as do the local law enforcement authorities. 

Much of the blame for this goes back to various public officials like the Prosecutor's Office and local police departments and police jurisdictions that have always turned a blind eye since the 1980s and since towards the increasingly problematic behaviors and crimes that are committed in the usage and distribution of these drugs and the resulting criminal behaviors of many of these people. 

Don't count on Washington County, Indiana to do the right thing and start enforcing the laws equally when it comes to drug abuse, drug possession and criminal activities of these drug den that Washington County has become over the past 30 plus years. It's quite a shameful scene to consider that people call Salem, Indiana and environs a family oriented community while so many people in the community are involved in the manufacture, sale and distribution of drugs and criminal activities and have been for many years. 

Or as a friend once said regarding Washington County, Indiana and its court system that it should be called Washington County Justice......where there is no justice and all you have to do is be properly connected to the right people and make sure to grease some palms or do some back scratching to make sure you're not in trouble with the law.