Monday, February 7, 2022

Small Town Parasite Behavior

 Salem, Indiana at one time was a community where people proudly worked for a living, held jobs and started businesses that helped the community and provided goods and services needed for everyday life. However, a more insidious problem has been increasing in number and percentage of the population. That is due to the problem of welfare dependency and government programs that allow a certain percentage of the non-disabled population aged 18 to 65 to become government dependents and welfare cheats. That can be said of some of the housing issues around Salem, Indiana as well as in Washington County where people that once worked their fingers and bodies for a living that now have become dormant people. 

These are people who at 20...30...40...50 years of age are government welfare cheats and losers that refuse to work for a living and better themselves. Therefore, much of Salem consists of these parasites as well the massive drug problem that exists in Salem, Indiana and Washington County, Indiana at large. A drug problem that has been allowed to fester for decades while the local authorities in the legal eagle category as well as other law enforcement turn their heads and spend time making sure to have as many repeat dope offenders including meth junkies, heroin junkies and other drug abusers in the system. 

These people and a certain percentage of their fellow travelers and associates do their best to run down Salem, Indiana and turn it into a small town drug den that is well known across other counties in Southern Indiana as being wracked with drug problems including authorities in counties as far flung as Scott County, Harrison County, Orange County and Lawrence County, Indiana for its own drug issues. 

The Salem mentality over the years has been for the local prosecutor and judges to turn a blind eye at the drug problem in Salem, Indiana which causes a great deal of other criminal behavior including assaults, domestic violence, theft and countless other criminal acts. 

It also should be mentioned that sizable percentage of these people are also on public assistance programs such as housing and rural development programs through USDA Rural Development and HUD programs while using drugs in apartments and other residences in Salem and Washington County. Yet the lenders and lendees that oversee these apartment developments often turn a blind eye to drug abuse on their premises and properties as do the local law enforcement authorities. 

Much of the blame for this goes back to various public officials like the Prosecutor's Office and local police departments and police jurisdictions that have always turned a blind eye since the 1980s and since towards the increasingly problematic behaviors and crimes that are committed in the usage and distribution of these drugs and the resulting criminal behaviors of many of these people. 

Don't count on Washington County, Indiana to do the right thing and start enforcing the laws equally when it comes to drug abuse, drug possession and criminal activities of these drug den that Washington County has become over the past 30 plus years. It's quite a shameful scene to consider that people call Salem, Indiana and environs a family oriented community while so many people in the community are involved in the manufacture, sale and distribution of drugs and criminal activities and have been for many years. 

Or as a friend once said regarding Washington County, Indiana and its court system that it should be called Washington County Justice......where there is no justice and all you have to do is be properly connected to the right people and make sure to grease some palms or do some back scratching to make sure you're not in trouble with the law. 

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