Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Salem Native Tells It Like It Is About Salem Indiana and Washington County

 I borrowed this with permission but it sums up pretty much the Salem, Indiana and Washington County, Indiana Mentality to a T

There’s a lot of gossip in small towns and even in workplaces because most people don’t have the mental depth, education depth or abilities to make anything out of their lives to do things that they want to do and need to do. Instead, they’ll sit on their rear ends for a lifetime and start talking about everyone in their town. Usually this kind of stupidity exists in small communities of 10 to 15,000 people in that there will be people who live in close proximity to actually worry about what you are doing. A lot of these people probably know your parents or knew your family or just want to make trouble by sticking their nose in your business or spreading rumors about things they have no right to stick their nose into.

The reason they do this is because they have nothing else in their lives to do other than gossip. Think about it. The town they live in is often boring, decrepit, run down, higher unemployment rates and underemployment not to mention a total dearth of jobs. You can also add in that these towns often have people who are of low mentality and lower educational levels than what you would find in a small city, university town or suburbs/urban areas. Small town people these days are often very dull with no real interests, activities, hobbies, etc and no way of really making friends except for their 5000 fake Facebook friends that most of them possibly don’t know very well.

I grew in one of those small towns 5,000 population and the county had about 25,000 population and its still that way 28 years after I graduated high school. I was born there and my parents moved back there when I was six after living in a far different part of the state and in a totally different region where I lived in a county with well over 120,000 people at that time.

One of the reasons for moving back to that town where I was born was my parents wanting to be closer to their parents who are now deceased by about 10 years and in some cases 25 years. However, my parents are still steadfast in living in that community even though I’m about 75 minutes away by a 4 lane highway and I’m glad I left my hometown because it degenerated into a big pile of garbage over the years.

The sad thing is that when I went to school there in the 1980s and 1990s, the town actually produced a higher quality of people that came out of that town and produced people that were largely high quality people. So why did the town die and turn into an Indiana drug den of ignorance, poverty, stupidity and low educational levels along with having crime problems and serious methamphetamine issues?

Largely the problem was that the manufacturing base in the town stagnated and in a lot of ways decreased by plant closures and things not being attracted to improve the quality of the town. The people my age then being 18 to 22 by and large hauled their stuff out of town and went to college, trade school, 2 year community college or major universities where 5 people in my graduating class of 127 became doctors, many more became part of the medical field but also others joined the military and made something of themselves through military service. Also many of us worked our way through school or other pursuits and then graduated a bit later.

When it came time to graduate the vast majority of them decided to go to the most near large city of 1 million people and get good careers there. Hardly any of them who left for college ever came back to that small town and no one can blame them. Even a few years ago a friend of mine considered moving back there and then he realized he would have to find work 35 or 40 miles away in the nearest large city south of there. So instead he decided on living in the suburbs of the city of 1 million and lived there for quite a few years until he decided to relocate to the Western US to be closer to the family of his wife but still in a larger metro area and suburbs.

A lot of the ones who stayed either succumbed to drug abuse issues, alcoholism, criminality, did jail time, or ended up in jobs that really were a waste of their abilities. All I can say is that I am glad that I got out and pursued work accomplishments, education and continuing education.

A lot of the locals still there now have to deal with criminal records, drug abuse problems running across the community that have been ignored for 25 years by the local politicians, police, lawyers etc because it would be traced back to some of the local politicians and cops/prosecutors turning their heads away from the drug pushing being committed by some of the local politicians. Many of the towns in that region now suffer from horrendous amounts of drug addiction, mostly meth, heroin, pills, etc. The manufacturing economy went from several manufacturing plants and a vibrant town to a place that is dependent on at most 2 factories and if they ever leave the whole town will dry up.

What I am trying to point out to you is that small towns aren’t exactly places that you want to stay if you have real career goals and job ambitions to do better for yourself. As far as the gossip goes, its the people that never go anywhere in their lives and careers that worry about the gossip. Realize that the fact that you don’t gossip makes you generally a better person than the ones that think they know everything. Most of the time they don’t know what they think they do and most of the time they don’t have the ambition, drive, skills, education and training to amount to anything other than being another small town loser with nothing that they will ever accomplish that will actually stand out or change much of anything to the world they live in.

What I seen with my hometown is that it really went downhill because of the lack of jobs, manufacturing closures but also the fact that the people didn’t have any depth of thought or conversation about new industries to attract and retraining and educating the upcoming and current workforce. Instead the town fathers got this idea that could try the retirement community angle even though the town has virtually nothing to offer outside of a few fast food places, a Walmart and a few businesses in the middle of the town. Most of the rest of it is single family houses, an awful local hospital and a community with schools that are regularly rated with C and D grades by the state department of education.

What I always noticed about my hometown along with other small towns is there are a lot of people that don’t have anything else to do except pass rumors, complain or start something about someone else they don’t know. All I had to do in high school was tell some sort of story about myself and then watch the other students run around and tell the story and then I would find out about it by 3 pm that school day. Someone would come back to me and ask if I knew the rumor and I would always laugh about it and how stupid people were. Even worse is that in that small town there are people who were adults then and their kids are middle age 40s now and still act the same way. Losers.

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