Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Trashy Nature of Salem and Washington County........a Real Paradise

Washington County, Indiana and Salem used to be a respectable and respected sort of place that was of the blue collar working type of society where you had a decent middle class and people that actually cared about the community. These people even with their faults were generally salt of the earth and decent respectable people that attempted to do right not only to their community but also their fellow man. Decent people that actually cared about the community, cared about the progress of the community and attempted to not only bring new opportunities and challenges as well provided a quality education and community and personal upbringing. It wasn't always perfect but its much better that the devolved state of society in Washington County, Indiana and Salem, Indiana with its crime issues, drug issues, domestic battery, low life population and general creeps of society making a mess of the town and county. 

Nowadays Salem as well as other Washington County communities such as Pekin, Martinsburg, Livonia, Fredericksburg, Campbellsburg, Hardinsburg, etc are going through being not only an economic and social basketcase but also suffering from the effects of an increasingly lousy educational system over the past 20-30 years where education and common sense is shunned in favor of social promotion of people that you wouldn't allow to run your local lemonade stand even if you gave them a cash box, water, lemons, sugar, stirrer and pitcher, etc. 

This state of affairs may not be intentionally of design but the devolution of education or probably better stated being educationally devolved is having disastrous effects for the future economic prospects of the youth of the county as well as those currently working in the general area even to the point of having to go 50 miles away to find work in some cases. That doesn't say much about the state of the community when the local schools produce the occasional scholar but then also produces a generation or two of total dolts incapable of making change or writing a resume or some other form of communications. 

One notices this when one reads the comments of some of the local Salem, Indiana Facebook pages and I have to laugh at even the basic spelling and grammar that is spat out by the increasingly uneducated population of Washington County many of whom where born here and raised in the Salem school district or those of West Washington or East Washington. Even more laughable is their lack of common sense and lack of logic that is becoming increasingly apparent as well as their inability to communicate or maintain some level of debate without putting up some ignorant response or a botched You Tube video produced by someone equally as uneducated as they are. 

While one can lament the white trash banter on the internet as that of intellectually challenged types one can even see this degradation of the communities of Washington County that look like someone emptied their family trash can along the roadways and highways and byways of the county. I get to do quite a bit of running around due to the nature of business that I am involved in and the thing that amazes me is that it is almost as if Washington County, Indiana doesn't have gas stations, car washes and other places with garbage receptacles even at stores and other venues. Even the very nice Lake Salinda Park south of Salem 2 miles looks like a waste dump with the various idiots and imbeciles of society throwing trash out of their vehicles and leaving junk by the Lake Salinda not only at the boat launch and trail area but all the way along the lake short of the park. 

One can drive through or put on boots and walk through and find a wide variety of trash and refuse and outright garbage that could be properly placed in trash barrels or taken home or to the local car wash or gas station to be disposed of. Some things shouldn't be left out to be around the public such as drug paraphernalia that has been left at the lakeside including down the little roads that are accessible. 

These are things that little kids can get ahold of and be injured by or receive a deadly disease or some sort of blood borne pathogen from the dope abusers that sit at Lake Salinda along with illegal campers and deadbeats. Not to mention the beautiful ducks that exist there and other marine life in the lake such as the fish you just caught. There's no excuse for it and it needs to be addressed by the Salem mayor and other city council members and other officials. I wonder how many of them would like to come upon needles on the ground where their kids are playing. 

Yet this state of affairs has been going on for quite some time both at Lake Salinda and the less popular and less used Lake John Hay which is more off the beaten path. Yet the last two Salem mayors obviously checked out their term of office to do anything about making sure our public places and public parks don't end up looking like criminally infested cesspools with needles in parking lots, needles along the lake and trash and other garbage being left at the sites by the lake where fishing, illegal camping, and other activities take place. 

Not to mention weeding out the undesirables that are regularly causing problems for members of society and their responsible usage of the park. 

One can also note the trashy appearance of Salem, Indiana and the streets that look like something out of a totally undeveloped and underdeveloped area of the world. Places like Small Street, South Posey Street, Mill Street, Elizabeth Street and even MAIN STREET IN DOWNTOWN Salem looking like a cesspool. Not to mention the massive amount of bottles, cans, trash and other junk that has been left along places in Salem like near the Old Train Depot on the South side of Small Street and also along streets like Market and High Street and various other locations. 

The roadways of Washington County aren't much better because of the neanderthal mentality that exists amongst a high percentage of Washington County residents that seem to think that the roadways outside of their homes and other areas around the county are places to throw trash and perform illegal dumping and improper waste disposal. Instead of putting the nonviolent jail offenders and criminal offenders on the roads by chain gang or whatever means necessary the county just lets the problem fester because LOSERS have been running Washington County for years and not doing their jobs and that of the taxpayers who pay for this mound of crap called Washington County, Indiana Government. 

I'm sure that in future weeks my camera in my vehicle will be recording and POSTING these various videos of the trashy places of Salem, Indiana and Washington County, Indiana. Will anyone care much less our incompetent and politically connected but totally useless public officials? Time will tell.  

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